FunctionsgenerateEmoticonPermutationsgenerateEmoticonPermutations CallablegenerateEmoticonPermutations(emoticon: string, options?: PermutationOptions): Emoticon[]This function will generate multiple permutations of a base emoticon character. The following permutations will occur: ) mouth will be replaced with ] and }. The same applies to sad/frowning mouths./ mouth will be replaced with \.: eyes will be replaced with =.Supports a - nose, by injecting between the eyes and mouth.Supports both uppercase and lowercase variants. import { generateEmoticonPermutations } from 'emojibase';generateEmoticonPermutations(':)'); // =-), =-}, :-], =-], :-}, :-), =}, =], =), :}, :], :) The base emoticon must follow a set of naming guidelines to work properly.Furthermore, this function accepts an options object as the 2nd argument, as a means to customize the output. isFace (bool) - Toggles face permutations (mouth and eye variants). Defaults to true.withNose (bool) - Toggles nose inclusion. Defaults to true. generateEmoticonPermutations(':)', { withNose: false }); // =}, =], =), :}, :], :)generateEmoticonPermutations('\\m/', { isFace: false }); // \m/, \M/
This function will generate multiple permutations of a base emoticon character. The following permutations will occur:
mouth will be replaced with]
. The same applies to sad/frowning mouths./
mouth will be replaced with\
eyes will be replaced with=
nose, by injecting between the eyes and mouth.Furthermore, this function accepts an options object as the 2nd argument, as a means to customize the output.
(bool) - Toggles face permutations (mouth and eye variants). Defaults totrue
(bool) - Toggles nose inclusion. Defaults totrue