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Emojibase aims to provide full translations for all of its supported locales. However, this is a lofty goal that has not been met yet, so any contributions or localization suggestions are entirely welcome!

Translations are localized using GNU gettext .po files and can be modified using a po editor like Poedit (please do not edit these files manually). Once you have made your changes, please commit the changes and submit a pull request.


The messages.po file contains localized strings for emoji groups, sub-groups, keywords, and any other emoji related messages.

Each message breaks down to the following:

  • #: When a group/sub-group, is their unique order and key.
  • msgctxt: Contextul information. Whether an emoji group, sub-group, or annotation.
  • msgid: English message to translate.
  • msgstr: Localized translation.
# 1: people-body
msgctxt "EMOJI GROUP: people-body"
msgid "people & body"
msgstr "Menschen & Körper"

At this point in time, most meta.po files were automatically translated using a service and may not be 100% accurate. Contributions are welcome!


The shortcodes.po file contains Emojibase preset shortcodes for every non-modification emoji character. Seeing as how these messages are shortcodes, the translation should match the msgid as close as possible, including using underscores (no spaces), and in all lowercase.

Each message breaks down to the following:

  • #: The emoji hexcode (without zero-width joiners and variation selectors).
  • msgctxt: Contextul information. The emoji character and official Unicode annotation.
  • msgid: English message to translate.
  • msgstr: Localized translation.
# 1F40D
msgctxt "EMOJI: 🐍 snake"
msgid "snake"
msgstr "змея"

Most locales have not translated their shortcodes yet. Contributions are welcome!